Friday, October 10, 2008

Unit 8 Readings

The first three readings seem like they'll be quite helpful in the event that I have to make a website. I'd never heard of CSS, so that was a surprising and informative reading. I bookmarked the first reading--it's bound to be pretty useful sometimes to have an HTML cheatsheet handy.

The article from Library Hi Tech doesn't seem all too insightful or remarkable. Isn't this kind of change pretty commonplace for libraries anymore (in particular, libraries as troubled as those in the Georgia State University Library)? Seems to me most librarians and libraries are overhauling everything they can as fast as they can...

1 comment:

Jonah said...

I agree completely about the Library Hi Tech article, who lets everybody edit the library website and not have any standards? That seems like a recipe for disaster. On the other hand having centralized control can have some down having Pennsylvania misspelled on the ULS website for 3 years despite it being reported by just about every reference person. I might very well still be misspelled.